Governor X's Top Movies of 2010
While 2010 was pretty bleak music wise, it was more than solid in terms of movies. When compiling this top 10, I had to cut quite a few. Onto the list:10. Machete
Originally conceived as a joke trailer in between the two films that made up The Grindhouse (Planet Terror was classic, Deathproof was beyond awful), Machete was expanded into a full length feature film by director Robert Rodriguez. Its hilariously over the top action, absurd plot, hamhanded political message and Lindsey Lohan dressed as a nun all wrapped into one neat little package.
9. Predators
Predators is easily the best sequel in the series and the only one that can really hold a candle to the original. Don't get me wrong, I liked Alien vs Predator, but it's not going down in history as an action classic. So what's the deal here? Think original Predator, but set on another planet. Adrien Brody will cut you!
8. Harry Brown
Revenge movies and Michael Caine are awesome, so someone finally decided to combine the two. Caine plays an old man named Harry Brown oddly enough who lives in the British equivalent of the projects. When his friend is killed, Harry takes matters into his own hands.
7. Black Swan
Black Swan is a well made, well acted, and fascinating movie that isn't all that pleasant to watch. Sure, Natalie Portman's aggressive masturbation scene is alright by me, but her decent into madness so well done it leaves you feeling a bit off yourself. On a side note, Vincent Cassel has never been so perfectly cast as he is here as a sleazy European ballet troupe leader.
6. The Social Network
A movie about the founding of Facebook didn't sound all that interesting to me but it got such strong reviews I felt compelled to watch it. Its a good movie, but think it and Jesse Eisenberg's performance in particular are a little overrated.5. Scott Pilgrim vs the World
Sooner or later, Michael Cera's schtick is going to get old. I thought we might be seeing that with Year One and Youth in Revolt. Then came Scott Pilgrim to prove me wrong. This is one of the most original movies I've seen in years. It's shot partly in the style of Nintendo video games as we follow Scott's attempt to defeat his new love interest's seven evil exes.
4. The King's Speech
I really wanted to hate this movie on principle. Before anyone saw it, it was getting Oscar buzz and it seemed like one of those movies that seemed to have no purpose for existing other than collecting gold statues. Try as I might, I couldn't hate it. In fact, I liked it. You know exactly where the story is going and some of the historical facts are handled a bit loosely, but it is an all around fine film.
3. Inception
Inception was good enough that I felt it lost something the second time around and it still made #3 on this list. Leonardo DiCaprio leads a team of people who go inside people's dreams.
2. True Grit
I'm not a huge John Wayne fan, but the original is one of his better films. Jeff Bridges manages to shake off The Dude for a couple hours to bring us a new version of Rooster Cogburn that manages to be better than the original. It isn't just Bridges either, the Coen's version of the 1969 classic is superior in nearly every way.
1. 127 Hours
I am admittedly a Danny Boyle fanboy, but his last couple of films have garnered him the professional accolades I always felt he deserved. A full 2/3rds of 127 Hours consists of a man with his arm stuck between a rock and a canyon wall. Even with that type of material, 127 Hours is never boring, never drags, and keeps you hanging on every second. It is one of the most unique and ultimately uplifting movies you will ever see.