The Ballot Measures: Prop 3
Over the next couple weeks, we at Skynet will be bringing you our suggestions regarding the 12 ballot measures that qualified for the November 4th election.
Vote: NO
He's not going to oppose a children's hospital bond is he? Yes he is.
As I mentioned in the Prop 1A post, it is my sincere belief that bonds are the wrong way to fund state projects unless there is an overwhelming need.
To put it simply, there is no need here. The prop would authorize a $980 million dollar bond, which by the time its paid back would cost the state $2 billion. Only four years ago, voters authorized $750 million in bonds to construct children's hospitals. They have not spent this money yet.
As multiple newspapers have stated, now is just not the time for this. The entire country is hemorrhaging money and while this is a noble endeavor, they need to use the money they already have before asking for more.
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