The Ballot Measures: Prop 12
Over the next couple weeks, we at Skynet will be bringing you our suggestions regarding the 12 ballot measures that qualified for the November 4th election.
Prop 12 - VETERANS’ BOND ACT OF 2008.
Vote: NO
I have opted for a NO vote on Prop 12, but could have easily gone the other way. Our veterans certainly need assistance, but is this really the way to do it?
- Veterans Affairs are clearly a responsibility of the federal government. When the state is deep in the red, can we afford to pick up the tab simply because the feds will do nothing? Our state's senior Senator is one of the more powerful members of the US Senate. She should be fighting for federal dollars for California's veterans.
- The program this measure funds discriminates against most veterans. In order to qualify for a loan, a veteran must have served in a time of war. The timing of when you enlisted should not affect your benefits as a veteran.
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