AEB: In-store Advertising Rights
The San Francisco promotional company I worked for was trying to advertise a new client's nightclub to increase door sales.
Expensive flyers - no problem. Good placement? Always a problem. Telephone posts, car windshield wipers, drops in other clubs... these areas are overused and crappy. Plus, anytime you stick up a poster it's either illegal or immediately covered up by another poster.
Wouldn't it be great to stick posters with a stack of flyers in local businesses? Undisturbed, no weather, and a tie-in the the local community.
- The target: A divey pizza shop with good foot traffic and wall space for advertising.
- The bait: "Create a website to grow your business."
- The loan: IT resources to create website. How to pay? We just want to put website banner ads up. However, you have to market this website otherwise it won't get traffic and our time will have been wasted. Deal?
- The failure: The site doesn't get traffic. You blame their marketing.
- The return: What to do? You get in-store advertising rights until the site traffic picks up.
There were a few other tricks and advantages taken that I didn't include in the summary. You'll always want to explore every angle to slice the most pie out of your tasty less-developed targets.
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