American Idol Update: Week 7
Well ladies and gentlemen, we've reached the doldrums of Idol. As you no doubt are aware, I couldn't even muster the gumption to recap last week's show. It was Motown Week you see and nothing makes me feel like the Angel of Death is nigh like two hours of white people (and one Indian guy) trying to sing soul music. This week wasn't much better. As the contestants droned on through inane song after inane song, I couldn't help but wander why I continue to watch this tripe. I lack personal discipline. Or have too much of it. I don't know which. Do I continue to watch it because I can't decide on anything else to do at 8pm on Tuesday nights or because I'm so dedicated to this humble blog that I can't stop this thing I started? Now there's an underrated Bryan Adams classic one of these asshats should sing.
Anyway, week 7. WTF Week as far as I can tell. The contestants could pick anything that is a popular download on iTunes. Anoop started off the show reasonably well, but it was pretty much downhill from there. The judges have finally turned on Megan, but Vote for the Worst will likely keep her around awhile longer. Christ. As I write this, my mind is wandering. I can't focus on this today. The deep questions of life require pondering and Adam Lambert's shrill cats fucking musical style can only distract me. Fuck you Idol. I want you out of my life.
That said, tune in next Tuesday for American Idol Update: Week 8. Smother me with a pillow please. LOLZ!!!!!
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