Akon has Issues
If you're heavily immersed into the world of autotune infused hip hop as I am, you're probably quite familiar with Akon, but who is the man behind hits like Beautiful and Na-Na-Na?
Well, Akon is a Muslim from Senegal. These aren't the issues I spoke of in the title, but it certainly sets him apart from most hip hop artists. The interesting part is when you get more details about his faith and then compare it to his lyrics.
For example, he claims to have never had alcohol, but like all hip hop artists, drinking with whores is a staple of his music. It gets better though. There are rumors that he has at least three wives. Brigham Young and Akon...two peas in a pod. Who knew?
Then there's the diamond mine and the denial of the existence of blood diamonds. Yep. He claims the concept of blood or conflict diamonds were just trumped up because of the movie.
Akon, you're pretty weird, but your music is awesome, so I'll forgive it.
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