President Obama is not a Bond Villain
No Virginia, President Obama isn't going to kill your grandmother. He wasn't born in Kenya and he's not going to start up re-education camps.
Right wing America...its time to come back to reality.
We elected a pretty mainstream Democrat, not a diabolical Bond villain with a secret plot for world domination. How can you tell? Well, for starters, his health care reform plan that scares you so because its "evil" and "marxist" isn't even real socialized medicine. It gives you the option of buying insurance from the government, and we all know damn well by the time the lame brains in the Senate water it down enough to pass it likely won't even do that. You're still going to have the privilege of getting gouged and over-medicated by the for-profit bloodsuckers at Blue Cross, Blue Shield, and Kaiser Permanente (thrive!).
I'm all for a political debate, but you can't argue policy when one side of the aisle is frothing at the mouth over things no more real than Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.
I've met Santa & he's both real & a freaking Democrat. He voted for McGovern ... as a write-in in 1984 no less.
But the Easter bunny is bs.
As for the President's plan, I'm not crazy about it but I'll support almost any plan that bankrupts Kaiser. Those medi-pricks are the archcriminals of health.
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