Skynet Art Party
Recently, Skynet held an art party. No, not one of those lame art parties beaten married middle age couples hold where crappy paintings of boats are swapped over gripes about the kids and taxes. No, Skynet's art party resulted in actual art being created. Governor X, Blue Napkins, and Mountain King (Blue Napkin's seldom heard from opposite sex domestic partner) were in attendance and this is what they came up with. The primary theme of the evening was avocdados, but as usual, we were pretty open...
Avocado in Hell - Blue Napkins
Clearly an expression of frustration with the inability to find avocados grown in this hemisphere. Some Georgia O'Keefe influence may be present here as well. You know what I mean...

Socialist on Bike - Blue Napkins
This is most likely a scathing critique of current fuel efficiency standards mandated by the federal government. Its worth noting this work was created before President Obama announced tougher fuel economy standards.

The Green Sentinel - Governor X
An expression of teenage angst and commentary on the modern environmental movement.

Sad Domo, Spicy Tuna Roll, and the Emptiness of Death - Governor X
A sorrowful cry for the lost illusions of immortality. Also a sushi roll.

Avocado, Enough of This! - Mountain King
A chilling vision of the not so distant future. Note the contempt the starship holds for the moon, stars, and avocado. Truly disturbing.
The starship's contempt for the moon and the avocado are clearly a depiction of Mountain King's contempt for both of us and our awesome art project. I feel inspired to paint a response to this. We need another art session.
Brilliant visions all ... provide me with a vine next time. My juvenelian artistic talents boggle the kindergarten set, so they should rock this blog =]
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