Introducing Skynet: Califrornia
Three and a half years ago, I brought you Recall Arnold Schwarzengger and while our small but loyal readership greatly enjoyed what was one of the first blogs to lambaste the hapless Schwarzenegger administration, ultimately I just ran out of gas. The gridlock in Sacramento was never ending and the Angelides "campaign" sucked the political life out of me. I was adrift...
No more.
Today I and Allende's Ghost are proud to bring you Skynet: California. Since we are both lifelong residents of The Golden State, it will have a slight California lean to it, but unlike Recall Schwarzenegger, the focus will primarily be on national and international politics. All from a left wing perspective...naturally. If the right wing goons don't call us "moonbats", we aren't doing our job.
So, what can you expect to find here? While, seeing as how its election season, you will probably be seeing a lot of pieces on the train wreck McCain/Palin campaign. We won't just hammer the Republicans though. Oh no. Large swaths of the Democratic Party are just as bad and will be called out for their failures (I'm looking at you Dianne Feinstein...). The election is only a start. This is the dysfunctional American government we're talking about here, so there will be no shortage of things to bitch about. While my focus may be on day-to-day issues, Allende's Ghost will be bringing you some bigger picture items. For example, I'm told one of his first pieces will be on electronic surveillance. Neither of us are pigeonholed though and will rant about anything that we damn well please.
The Skynet Team
- Named after our deposed Governor.
- Reluctant member of the Democratic Party since 1998.
- Former California State Assembly Staff Member
Allende's Ghost
- Named after Chilean President Salvador Allende, who was murdered by the CIA so the brutal pro-Washington dictator Augusto Pinochet could seize power.
- Staunch Dennis Kucinich supporter.
- Defense industry mole.
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