The Palin Drip-Drip-Drip
The Sarah Palin debacle would be funny if a 72 year old man wasn't proposing to put her a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Today, on day four of the McCain/Palin era, still more came out about the Republican's moose hunting vice-Presidential nominee:
Palin Served as a Director of Senator Ted "Series of Tubes" Stevens 527 Group
From 2003 to 2005, Palin was a Director of Ted Stevens' 527 group that "was designed to serve as a political boot camp for Republican women in the state." Stevens, as you will recall, is under indictment for corruption and is facing a double-digit loss in a state that hasn't elected a Democrat dogcatcher since 'Nam.
Read the full story here...
Palin Hires a Lawyer in Troopergate
The Governor has hired an attorney to defend her in the ongoing corruption probe in Alaska. On July 28th of this year, the Alaska legislature hired an independent investigator to see if the Governor acted improperly in firing a public safety official who refused to fire her former brother in law.
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Another Inappropriate Firing?
Troopergate is not the first time Palin has been accused of abusing her power. She was the focus of a possible recall over firing a police chief and library director after her election as Mayor of the bustling metropolis of Wasilla (pop 6000). I see a pattern here.
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Palin's 17 Year Old Daughter is Pregnant
Not really a scandal, but probably not the news they wanted to come out so soon after her selection.
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Sarah Palin Loves the Pledge of Allegiance
When asked if she is offended by the term "under god" in the pledge of allegiance, Palin responded thusly:
Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance.
The pledge was written in 1892 and "under god" wasn't inserted until 1954 in the midst of the Red Scare to root out the "godless Communists." The Founding Fathers were not involved.
Read the full story here...
Palin = change
More people watch the Republican National Convention than watched the Democratic National Convention from Denver. 34.5 million viewers tuned into the Republican National Convention compared to 30.2 million who watched the Democratic National Convention.
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