Avatar 3D is Impressive
The story is pretty familiar. Aliens have harvested all of the resources on their own planet, so they go around the galaxy pillaging others. The difference this time? Humans are the aggressors and the Na'vi are the victims, fighting to protect their beautiful and lush world of Pandora.
That's the basic premise of James Cameron's Avatar. Story wise, its pretty standard sci-fi fare, with a serious pro-environment message. What really sets this movie apart are the state of the art visuals used to produce it.
The last time I dared to see a 3D movie, I was a little kid and was handed these crappy paper "glasses" with cellophane red and blue lenses. Not surprisingly, the color of the movie was distorted by the glasses. I don't even remember if the 3D was worth a damn because the overall visual impact was so negative.
They've improved 3D quite a bit. The paper/cellophane glasses are gone, replaced by something that looks like Rivers Cuomo would wear. They're made like real glasses, so you can wear them comfortably. Once the movie starts, the visuals blow you away. Images really seem to leap off the screen and Cameron wisely doesn't force the issue. When it seems like something should be approaching the audience, it does. When it doesn't make sense to do that, he doesn't do it. We're left with a beautifully filmed movie with cutting edge technology that will leave you in awe the entire time you're in the theater.
As for the movie itself, its good, but not without its flaws. Some of the characters seem a little cartoonish (Giovani Ribisi, I'm looking in your direction) and under developed. The environmental message is very strong, but since I agree with what it had to say, I didn't mind. I imagine the outrage mongers on the right are having their usual conniption fit over it though. Fortunately, I don't know if anyone bothers to listen to them anymore.
Avatar must be seen in the theater and in 3D to fully appreciate it. Skynet recommends you hit up the local cinema while you can.
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