Imus in the Middle of the Night
I've always been an unapologetic Don Imus fan and lately I've been catching his simulcast on Fox "Going Out of" Business Channel since I can no longer fall asleep before 3:30 AM. Imus in the Morning may be the correct title, but since its off the air in California before the sun comes up, I feel Imus in the Middle of the Night is more accurate.
It wasn't that long ago that the I-Man was run off the air by the PC police. His crew used an unfortunate phrase to describe the Rutgers women's basketball team and the usual suspects got up in arms and convinced MSNBC to take his show off the air in spite of Imus' repeated apologies and public contrition. As you may have guessed, the unfortunate phrase was so offensive the media spent the next month repeating it. I will not.
Anyway, fast forward to this October and Imus is once again on TV, albeit the dreadful Fox Business Channel. The core of the show is still classic Imus. Insults, blanket judgments on various groups of people, and bizarre obsessions with obscure writers, backbench politicians and country singers. Its great to have something to laugh at around 3 AM again (the rerun of Fallon's awful show can hardly be called comedy).
The Fox connection can't be swept under the rug though. The show's cast seems obligated to suck up to Fox talking heads like Cavuto and Hannity and the incessant "Fox Business Updates" grow tiresome really quickly. Hopefully the sucking up to Fox dies down a bit after they've been around awhile, but in the meantime its just good to have the crotchety old cowboy back on the air.
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