American Idol Update: Week 4
They're down to the top 12, and unbeknownst to me, they're also down to one night a week. This means when I missed Idol for poker night yesterday, I wasn't just missing half the crew, but all of it. It was a refreshing break though, and thanks to the internets, I was able to pick and choose which performances I wanted to see from yesterday.
If you've been following the American Idol Update, you will probably have picked up on the fact that I want to make sweet love to crazy Siobhan down by the fire. Conveniently she's also the only one that stands out as particularly talented, so she's the only one I opted to watch. She really came through, delivering awesomeness off the charts with her interpretation of the Rolling Stones' Paint it Black, which just happens to be my favorite Stones song. Since I cheat and look for the results online after the show is broadcast back East, I can tell you she is quite safe and will return for next week.
No art lecture tonight - just enjoy this painting of an avocado.
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