American Idol Update: Week 6 (also Intro to Modern Art 205)
Frida dirty girl. Painting yourself nude for your philandering husband. Pallin' around with Trotsky. Portrayed seductively by Salma Hayak in Julie Taymor's tedious 2002 biopic Frida. Suffering with brutal pain but persevering to create some of the most beautiful works of Latin American art. Well done.
Top 10 for Idol. As you know, we're all Siobhan all the time. Team Siobhan? Oh yes. Its soul night. Fail in advance.Tonight's featured work has a name long enough to be a Fall Out Boy song. Fortunately for you, unlike Fall Out Boy, this doesn't suck though. I proudly present to you The Love Embrace of the Universe, the Earth (Mexico), Diego, Me, and Senor Xolotl (1949).
Siobhan Magnus - Sweet. My girl is kicking things off tonight so when I quit paying attention later it won't matter. She's singing Chaka Khan. I have no idea what this song is, but I don't like it. This night is going to blow. The judges were not impressed.
Casey James - White boy soul makes me want to stick my head in the oven. I don't know how long I can keep this up.
Michael Lynche - If there is any category this Barry White wannabe should nail, its this one. No such luck. This is brutal. I give this until 9ish.
Didi Benami - That's it. I'm done. I'll give you one last tidbit about Kahlo before I call it a night though...
After researching this Kahlo/Trotsky thing a bit more for you and I'm pleased to report they had a brief affair. More importantly, Kahlo and her husband were devoted communists who helped Trotsky get set up in Mexico after Stalin ran him out of town. In 1937 she completed a work titled Self Portrait Dedicated to Leon Trotsky.
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