Interview with the Pansexual: Part 1
We've arbitrarily declared it Pansexuality Awareness Week here at Skynet. Why? Well because I recently had a chance to sit down and discuss a wide variety of topics with a pansexual person. For those of you who don't know, pansexuals are open to all genders, not just male or female. Oh yes. Don't worry, I ask the question that's on your mind.
I'd like to introduce you to "Ultimate Ice", a 28 year old female pansexual living in a bleak corner of the country. She generally doesn't care to speak to people, so this is a rare treat. This interview was conducted May 16, 2010 and will be posted in three parts. After the customary pleasantries we jumped right into things. First up, an overview of pansexuality. This was the longest and most in depth portion of our interview.
Governor X: Is there a large pansexual community?
Ultimate Ice: Not as large as the gay community, but yeah.
Are any of your friends pansexual?
Naw. I have a lesbian friend and a couple of quasi-bi-sexual friends.
Quasi-bisexual? Meaning you feel they aren't being totally honest with themselves?
Yes, exactly. We flirt with each other and it's pretty much a mutual agreement we would do some hanky panky, but they don't label themselves as bi-sexual.
Could you give us a bit on what the difference between a pansexual and a bisexual is?
Well, there's more than just "male" and "female." Pansexuals are open to all genders.More genders?
Sure. Hermaphrodites, for one. There's also transgendered people, which is something more mental than physical.
While we're on the subject of bisexuality, as you may know there is somewhat of a rift between the gay and bisexual communities - as a pansexual, how do you fit into this if at all?
I don't, really. I've never lived in areas with a lot of gay or bisexual people, so I'm not really in that loop. I've heard of plenty of my lesbian friend's experiences with bisexuals, though.
And how have those experiences been?
Not exactly good. The bisexuals she's met don't seem to be honest with themselves, either.
OK. Do you feel discriminated against as a pansexual?
Not really. I'm pretty open about it and everyone who knows is cool with it. They don't treat me any differently.
So you don't really feel any pressure to conform from any of the other sexual groups?
Nah. Of course, I'm not around many people from those communities, with being anti-social and all. But as it stands now, no.
Do pansexuals tend to more often be male or female?
I think I've come across more females than males. Actually, I can't recall having met a male pansexual.
Interesting. Do you feel that is because of biological or social reasons?
Maybe both? Who knows. A lot of people aren't even aware of pansexuality. Which is the point of this interview. But I can't count how many times I've had to explain it to someone who had no clue. Pansexuality is still relatively new in that regard.
True. The gay community is very politically active, fighting for equal marriage rights and so forth. Is the pansexual community active in a similar way?
Definitely. I know I am.
Do you see any problem with putting a label on your sexuality considering it is to some degree defined in rejecting gender labels?
I don't like labels in general. "Pansexual" works for me since it's so broad. But I think they're just petty and unnecessary most, if not all, of the time.Does pansexuality include polyamory or do dedicated monogamous relationships have their place in a pansexual's life?
Polyamory is sort of its own thing. That can apply to anyone, regardless of their orientation. Whether you want one partner or several isn't necessarily dictated by your orientation.
That's true enough, but the question about monogamy is valid though yes? If you are attracted to all sexes, does monogamy still have its place, or would there be something lacking?
It has its place, certainly. A pansexual may be attracted to all sexes, but that doesn't mean they're guaranteed to love more than one person.
In conducting research for this interview, I noticed there are pansexuals and polysexuals. The definitions didn't seem to offer much difference. Do you consider polysexuality any different from pansexuality?
Right, it's not much different in definition. I guess if you're attracted to men, women and transgendered people, but not hermaphrodites, for example, then it works. But that's just kind of silly. They're different, but not by much.
Does the actual physical act of sex differ for a pansexual person in any way?
No, it doesn't.
So pansexuality does not, as one of our writers believes, encompass all techniques as well?
Well, in general we find anything acceptable. That doesn't mean all pansexuals practice everything.
I recently became aware of a Swedish woman who married the Berlin Wall in the early 80's. Would you consider her a pansexual?
I'd consider her crazy - lol - That would be something else entirely. Sexual orientations like bi, pan, etc., apply to consentual human beings, not inanimate objects.
So this would also rule out animals?
Yes. Animals cannot give consent.

ZOMG what's the surprise!?
They make really good Pad Thai.
For PANSEXUALITY please see:
Thank you.
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