Interview with the Pansexual: Part 2
In part two of our Interview with the Pansexual series, Ultimate Ice opens up about her own personal experiences. Also, I'd like to remind you that its Pansexuality Awareness Week here at Skynet, so at least try to be aware. Now for part two:
When did you first realize you were pansexual, and when did you "come out"?
Well, I realized I was bisexual in...2003, I think? That sort of transitioned into pansexuality.
Was there something that triggered the transition from bi to pan, or was it just the realization that pansexuality fit your personal situation better?
No, there was nothing specific. It just sort of came to be on its own.
So have you had sexual relationships with anyone other than a male since acknowledging your pansexuality?
Unfortunately, no, haha. I know that will raise the question "how can you be sure?" or claims that I'm just curious, from some people.
As I understand it, pansexuality does not preclude physical preferences, but merely means one is open to a relationship with someone of any gender. Do you have a physical preference?
True. And I'm not really sure that I have a preference. It's all good.
That would include hermaphroditic people, transgendered, intersex, etc?
Yes yes.
I felt I shouldn't pry too much here. I couldn't risk offending our gracious interview subject before I got to the good stuff, which you will be able to read in part three on Friday. Ever wonder how the Na'vi and Kurt Cobain fit into this? You'll find out.

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