The Ballot Measures: Prop 11
Over the next couple weeks, we at Skynet will be bringing you our suggestions regarding the 12 ballot measures that qualified for the November 4th election.Prop 11 - REDISTRICTING.
Vote: NO
Prop 11 is nothing short of a mess and can only make things in this state worse. Redistricting worked just fine for years until the Republican Party became so desperate to stop the bleeding of seats that they conspired with their Democratic colleagues to gerrymander the state into completely unswingable districts. As it currently stands, neither party has any realistic shot at gaining or losing seats in the State Legislature.
The roots of this go back to Pete Wilson. His brilliant idea to demonize latinos effectively wiped out the Republican Party in California. The only things that could save them from total oblivion were rigged districts and an Austrian weightlifter. The Democrats were all too happy to bury the Republicans in a permanent minority for the next decade.
A weak and nearly dead Republican Party is the problem here. They are incapable of launching any effective opposition to the Democrats and instead opt to paralyze state government. Prop 11, and every other redistricting measure they have tried to pass recently, is nothing more than the Republicans asking you to help them out of a hole they dug themselves.
Just say no.
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