Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blue's House of Trolling - Week One

One of my favorite pastimes on the ol' intertubes is partaking in the time-honored tradition of trolling really stupid shit. Since Skynet has been so neglected of late, I have decided to take you all along for the ride, much like those trips you used to take in the back of your mother's station wagon while she "delivered Avon." Or was that just me?

Anyways... I intend to scrounge up and share some of my most horrible internet finds with all four of our regular Skynet readers on a somewhat weekly basis.

I invite you all to troll the ever-loving crap out of these, if you are so inclined. Stress is a serious factor in many chronic health conditions, and what better way to relieve stress than making a 13 year old girl cry from four states away?

My fellow Skynet writers will not be surprised by my first presentation. We have been laughing and trolling this dipshit for months. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:

The Republican Revolutionary

It appears that The Republican Revolutionary's purpose is to re-post stories from other conservative blogs and news sources, but with the added twist of horrible grammar and butchered spelling. To make this site even more awesome, the author has included links to several YouTube videos of himself wearing funny hats and reading rants from a cue card that sound like they were written by Sean Hannity's fatter, slower brother.

For example, from his latest post: "We cast obvious, plane truth to the wind, and we have the gull to wounder why the wrong thing did not work out for US."

I can not make it through that sentence without scrounging around for a red pen.

1 Comentário:

Rae Morgan said...

Some of it sounds like something our dads would say, I'm sure. Scary.

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