American Idol Update: Week 9
For days now I have been lost. Wandering around, babbling incoherently about Jesus with my pants down around my ankles, my family and friends were appropriately concerned. They had no idea what had happened to me.
I've pulled myself together enough now to talk about it though. You see, I actually liked performances by Adam and Kris on this week's Idol. It was apparently too much for my brain to handle and I devolved into a quivering mound of shit for a few days. Adam did Born to Be Wild, which was the first thing he's done all season that actually fit his shrieking vocals and Kris, the testeless little twat that he is, crooned his way through Falling Slowly from the movie Once (good song, horrible movie).
Matt was finally voted off after vocally molesting an innocent Bryan Adams song, but the judges decided to prolong America's torment another week and used their much hyped and much gay "save" to bring him back another week. Look for Matt and Lil Rounds to be shitcanned in next week's double elimination.
*To Bryan Adams*: "Show me on the doll where Matt touched your song."
The concept of themes really isn't fair to the contestants. Making someone like Lambert sing a country song is cruel to both him and us. The guy is more along the lines of Freddy Mercury, and he finally found a song that demonstrates that.
I thing you're biased about Kris because you like the song. Nice song, but he's still a terrible singer.
And pull your damn pants up, already.
This theme was vague enough. You could pick any song you want provided it was in a movie. I've read next week is disco night, which is going to be a disaster on many levels.
As for Kris, I don't think it was because I liked the song because I like the one Matt did too, and I was not fond of it to say the least.
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