Governor X's Kitchen: Frog's Legs
For reasons I will never fully understand, Stater Bros now stocks frog's legs in their meat section. Was there a sudden influx of Frenchmen that I wasn't aware of? Was this a one time thing because the usual shipment of frozen beaks and claws ended up in some fancy West L.A. bodega? Who knows. I couldn't pass this oddity up though, so I got two pair and took them home.
I had no idea how to make these, so I hit up the google for instructions. Generally it appears that you can sautee them or bread them and fry them. Easy enough. Based on what was in the kitchen, I opted for this simple recipe using garlic and parsley.
When they were done and ready to eat, I really didn't know what to expect. As you can see, they're pretty odd looking. I dug in and to my surprise, they were quite fishy, but also quite tough. The closest thing I can compare them to is shark, but with a much stronger flavor - and by stronger, I don't mean better. They were certainly edible, but I can't see myself picking up anymore at the local store. Two pairs had about a thimble full of meat between them. Perhaps one day if I find them on the menu of some restaurant with more experience cooking them, I'll have another go, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
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