The Town has Decided: Sex is Bad, Mmmkay?
Apparently, my local town council has solved most of our town's problems, and now have time to focus on completely inane garbage, such as pissing all over the First Amendment.
The draconian codes they have implemented concerning construction and advertising have already choked the quirky, free feeling right out of our strange little hole. In what can only be described as overwhelming cognitive dissonance, our council has managed to pass incrementally more ludicrous restrictions in the name of "preserving our town's old-western feel" while simultaneously allowing, no begging, businesses such as Home Depot and Super Wal-Mart to come plow down acres of beautiful desert for their sick, bloated concrete monstrosities. They resolve this by having them paint the beasts beige. While more small businesses continue to buckle in the west end of town, new buildings keep popping up in the east end of town, and remaining empty. Perhaps by "western" they mean "ghost town."
As if watching the small, dusty town I grew up in continue to be raped wasn't disheartening enough, I come across this little gem today. Yes. Finally. Yucca Valley has decided to crack down on adult stores, because if there is one thing that is anti-children, it's having sex...?
For those of you who do not click on links, Lori Herbel is proposing that the town enforce stricter limitations on adult stores, including limited floor-space allowance and making them move off the main highway. This is all because we must "think of the children!" Most of the council seems to have reacted with great discomfort. While they all want to please their predominantly conservative constituents by condemning vibrators and breast-shaped mugs, many of them also see the topic for the huge legal can of worms that it is.
I am relieved that the town attorney, at least, has some grasp of the law. One should expect that from an attorney. One should also expect that from a council member, but that's obviously asking too much of these knuckle-draggers. Mssrs. Mayes and Neeb had surprisingly intelligent and realisitic responses to the subject, aware that the proposition was treading on dangerous ground.
The law states that they cannot interefere with the business' ability to generate revenue. Forcing them to move off the main highway would do just that. Our town only has ONE damn street where businesses exist, and a large number of those places are already empty. Now they want to force legitimate, law-abiding businesses to relocate to undesirable areas because they sell "naughty" items.
Seriously? Have these people really got nothing better to do? I would recommend a good lay for all of them, especially Ms. Herbel. It might dislodge the stick from her ass if she does it right.
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