Severed Hands in the Star Wars Movies
What's the deal with George Lucas and severed hands? Long ago, I noticed the Star Wars movies seem to have an inordinate amount of severed hands in them. From time to time I thought I should count them, but haven't been bored enough to do so. Well, good news! A recent business trip provided just the right opportunity to count the severed hands in the Star Wars movies. As it turns out, I'm not the first to be interested in this topic, far from it in fact. Regardless, I've already counted, so here you go. I have opted not to include clones and droids. God knows how many of their hands were lost. I've also not counted the citizens of Alderon. When the Death Star hit the planet, I'm sure lots of hands were severed before the people were vaporized. Anyway, here is the list. If they lost more than one hand, there is a note in parentheses:Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Episode II: Attack of the Clones
The shapeshifting assassin
Jengo Fet
The giant grasshopper (2)
Anakin Skywalker
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Count Dooku (2)
General Grievous (2)
Mace Windu
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
Episode IV: A New Hope
"I don't like you either" guy
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Snow monster
Luke Skywalker
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
Two things stand out. One, if you count his time as Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker actually loses his right hand twice. Pretty lousy for him. Two, a lot of these people die immediately after losing a hand. Nine of the fourteen victims here die soon after and Anakin/Vader dies after losing his right hand the second time.
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