Skynet: Carolina?
If you are over the age of five, you could probably figure out that Skynet: California is a California based blog. Temporarily though, I will be hailing from the Outer Banks of North Carolina. An extended period of time in the South is going to prove to be an interesting time, so when things pop up worth reporting, I'll bring them to you. Right now, I've been here about two days and I've already noticed a lot of weird stuff going on.
Locked double doors - When a business has double doors at an entrance, the left one is almost always locked. The lone exception so far has been my hotel. This isn't really a problem when you're entering the business, but when you're leaving you'll try to push open the locked door.
Food - The food is a little odd. At the Walmart, I happened upon a family size package of smoked turkey necks. WTF? Back at home, Grandma gives those to the dogs on Thanksgiving. There also seems to be a tendency to fry everything. My dinner last night consisted off fried clams, fried fish, hushpuppies (fried), and french fries. Instead of Carl's, they have Hardee's. Same happy star, different food. Hardee's is like Carl's slow witted, heavy set brother. They have a western bacon cheeseburger like Carl's, but here it only comes in the 1/3rd pound variety. Also on the menu? A pork chop & gravy on a biscuit.
Culture - Out here on the coast, there isn't much of a Sling Blade factor, but it does pop up here and there. Mostly though, the people are just friendly. Like freakishly so. Coming from California, the land of rude assholes, I'm always shocked when people elsewhere are polite. On the plane coming back here, everyone was so friendly and talkative I assumed they were drunk.
Its not all smiles and "how ya doin'" though. There are some disturbing trends. Stores have piles and piles of Mountain Dew. "No shirt, no shoes, no service" is actually a relevant sign here. Restaurants ask if you want smoking or non. There was an add for lawnmower races.
Perhaps most disturbing of all though is the beach. The concept of shame hasn't made its way down here yet. There are rolls hanging out everywhere and no one cares. I suppose this is probably for the best, but it takes a bit of adjustment. The "who cares" attitude did allow me to remove my shirt at the beach and expose my scrawny yet pasty white torso to the sun. I now have a red torso...
Overall, so far so good. Its green and the weather isn't too oppressively hot yet. The hurricanes won't start lashing the shore for another couple months either. Keep reading for more updates.
I always saw Carolina as the south's version of Santa Barbara.
Also, even there, taking off your shirt when you're THAT white probably will rouse the ghosts of the confederacy ... Take it easy on the beefcake, brother ...
You should stop by Codge's and get some real southern cooking, but watchout for any banjo playing rednecks.
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