Terminator: Salvation was OK
At long last, the new Terminator movie was released this week and while not bad, it was certainly disappointing.
You probably know the general plot by now. Its the future, John Connor has grown up and is fighting in the resistance against the machines. This time around Skynet is up to their old tricks of trying to kill John's father before he can get it on with Linda Hamilton, but they've got a new secret weapon.
Its a fairly solid plot and should carry the movie adequately, but one of the problems is that the filmmakers never go any deeper. Numerous questions are left unanswered and swept under the rug with explosions and nods to the first three movies. Characters are left undeveloped, simply dropped in here or there for no other reason than to move the story along.
You have the terminators we all know and love, but they've added some newer models. Some are OK, but others would be more at home in Transformers 2. We finally see Skynet Headquarters, but it looks more like an oil refinery than the home base of a machine society (remember how awesome the machine city in Matrix: Revolutions was?).
Are you noting the pattern? Lots of "buts". There are a lot of problems with this movie. At the same time I can't sit here and say I didn't enjoy it because I did. I would recommend it to Terminator junkies like myself, but the casual fan probably shouldn't waste their time.
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