The Southern Grocery Store
A grocery store in the South is basically the same as the ones we have out west, but they have some interesting items in them. Here are a couple of the more interesting items I've stumbled across:"Ham Bits" & other unrefrigerated pork parts - Both the Piggly Wiggly and Super Walmart have a rack near the meat section filled with strange pork parts. "Ham Bits" and "Pork Ends" sit out in vacuum packing at room temperature, daring the Steve-O's of the world to eat them. I've been told the ham bits are used for flavoring, and may have come across some in a dish of green beans the other night. Think flavorless bacon.
Chitterlings - Pig intestines. Enough said.
Pork Rinds - Of course, these aren't unique to the South, but they are a lot more prominent here. I'd never actually had one before so I picked up a 50 cent bag to give it a try. The best description I can give is salty packing foam. I won't be trying these again.
Livers & Gizzards - Back home, this stuff goes in the trash or in thrown in a pot for the dogs if Grandma feels particularly ambitious while cooking thanksgiving dinner. You can not only buy them in the store here, but you can actually walk into a diner and order up a plate of them. I wasn't 100% sure what a gizzard was, so I went to Wikipedia. Sounds tame organ used to aid in digestion. Then I saw this picture. Puke.
Smoked Turkey Necks - Not just a sack of smoked turkey necks, but a family size sack of smoked turkey necks. I don't think the necks even make it into the dog's thanksgiving stew. How do they eat these things? I imagine some cow of a woman gnawing on a turkey neck while her 8 filthy kids run around the house raising hell.
When all is said and done, as disgusting as a family sized package of smoked turkey necks sounds, I guess it is no weirder than the four-packs of quail or pickled pigs feet I see in the California stores.
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