Sunday, June 21, 2009

Facebook Fan Pages are Getting Out of Hand

I just became a fan of "Telling Fox News its Full of Crap".

My suggestions page suggests I become a fan of being barefoot, flipping the pillow over to the cool side and Fridays.

You can even become a fan of becoming a fan.

What the hell is going on here? Am I really a fan of Telling Fox News its Full of Crap? I guess so. The concept, not the page anyway. But am I really a fan of it or do I just share the sentiment? Does it make a difference? WWJD?

I'm barefoot right now, but I'm not going to become a fan of it. It just seems unnecesary. Ditto on the pillow. Honestly, I'd rather the pillow just stay cool on both sides anyway. Can I become a fan of theoretical pillows that don't warm up? If I can't yet, I may create the page.

You can become a fan of "I Hate Liars!" too. Seriously now. You're not a fan of anything in this scenario. I mean it says right there you hate them. You aren't a fan of them at all. Am I the only one who gives a shit about the rules here?

Be sure to become a fan of this article on Facebook.

1 Comentário:

RabidHobo said...

I am going to make a fan page for your article about fan pages because I am a fan of fan page articles about fan pages for fans.

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