Friday, June 12, 2009

New Placebo

A few years ago I went to Britain and came back a huge fan of two bands I heard for the first time over there. One was Muse, who have gained some notoriety here in the US, and the other is Placebo who remain relatively unknown. American rock fans don't know what they're missing.

If you aren't familiar with Placebo, think Adam Lambert, but with actual talent and less screaming. Placebo turns out modern day glam rock and does it with a staggering amount of skill and ease.

This week they released their sixth album Battle for the Sun and its the best CD of the year so far.

The 13 tracks are solid all around. Harder and more electronic than their previous effort Meds, sounding a bit more like something from Black Market Music. If that last sentence made no sense to you because you've never given Placebo a go before, this disc would be a good place to start.

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